Dr. Azizullah Faryabi

Become the Wind


The night had already passed

The dawn cracked

The sun risen, high above in the sky

drowning elsewhere in its light


However, over the poor village of mine,

hung a thick, dark, giant fog,

The poor fellow villagers, frightened

hidden inside the dark shacks

expecting a wind to blow, come over

drive the fog away,

and make the sun shine…


So many years passed, since then,

A voice came out from nowhere, after all 

Hey, fellow villagers, come out,

Frightened, be not of the fog,

Take deep breaths, bring up mouths together

Fill up your lungs, unite

Breathe out at once, make a wind strong,

break up  the ghostly fog,

So the sun would shine on the village again,

And gardens of flowers

blossom in every corner,



Grab brooms, shovels altogether,

beat up, smash the lazy dark

And spit on the creepy, smelly fog

So the sun would shine, forever and bright

And flower gardens would blossom

in the poor village of mine

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